Bob Miller

When Bob Miller was just a youngster, back before they had things like the wheel and, ya know, fire, all he could dream about was one day playing 3rd base for the Chicago Cubs. He was obsessed. Then, his father, realizing that dream was probably never going to happen, sat him down and said, “Son, playing professional baseball takes determination, talent and perseverance, none of which you possess in great quantity. Why not just become a disc jockey” And, so it began.

After making stops and spinning vinyl at radio stations all along the eastern seaboard, Miller finally settled on The Hudson Valley where he met his lovely wife, Michele, who begged and pleaded with him never to tell her parents what he actually did for a living. He listened and honored that request and they both went to their graves thinking he was big time fire-eater with Barnum & Bailey.

No, he never played pro baseball but he did spill a beer on Pete Rose once at Wrigley Field. (true) and remains The Cubbies #1 fan. Miller is extremely superstitious. He hates odd numbers, plastic forks and socks, among a million other things.

Miller’s radio idol is, and has always been, Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of “The 9th Caller.”

Wake up with Bob Miller weekday mornings right here on 92.9 WBPM.


One of Bob's favorite things to do (besides watch his Cubbies and blast the Biggest Hits of All Time) is to write! Check out Bob Miller's latest column in his blog below:



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