I have done two Zoom meetings this week. I thought the days of Zoom were behind us but alas no such luck. There was a survey asking what are virtual meeting DONT'S. I would agree with these. The best practice is probably to assume the same behavior at a virtual meeting as you would if you were sitting amongst your peers. Have you done any of these? Spill the tea!

Vaping . . . 76% say it's never acceptable.

Smoking . . . 75%

Drinking an alcoholic drink . . . 74%. 

Having music playing in the background . . . 70%

Working on something unrelated to the meeting . . . 67% 

Wearing sunglasses . . . 64%

Eating a meal . . . 61%

Wearing your pajamas . . . 61%

Having your child sit on your lap . . . 54%

Having other people in the room . . . 54%

Image courtesy of fauxels

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