Walk Your Dogs in Yorktown!

Hi It's Kacey - inviting  you join me May 18th at FDR Park in Yorktown.  Meet my two SPCA rescues Ellanore and Rosavelt!

Here's a message from my friend LISA at The SPCA! 

The SPCA encourages you to pre-register & create an individual and/or team page to raise funds for your walk to support the SPCA animals. It is not required but greatly appreciated! Please see below for further details/instructions on creating your fundraising page. 

 Join The SPCA Westchester for the BIGGEST and BEST Dog Event of the year! This fun-filled family event has something for everyone. You’ll enjoy a trail walk with your four-legged best friend, shopping in our Wooftown Vendor Village, music with Kacey and 100.7 WHUD, yummy food trucks, a new Kids Zone, demos, dog contests and our many furry adoptables!

Walk-ins are welcome on-site the day of the event, but we encourage you to pre-register if possible. Fees to attend: $20 per individual; $35 for a family; FREE if you raise $100+ off/online; and kids 12 and under are free.

  • BECOME a SPONSOR-reach more than 100,000 animal lovers through various SPCA Sponsor promotions and take part the day of the event.
  • BECOME a VENDOR-sell your products and/or promote your services to our huge animal loving community who attends every year.
  • WALKERS-once you registered online you can share your fundraising page to collect donations by clicking here & scrolling down to find your name under the Walkers tab. Just click your name to open your page. Please note, you must first be registered as a walker to create a team page. To collect donations to support your Dog Walk offline, click here. Top 3 Walkers/Teams will win a prize to be announced the day of the event!

Questions? Email Lisa@spcawestchester.org or call (914) 941-2896 ext. 154 for further details!

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